Core Values
Glorifying the Savior
“Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Cor. 10:31
For us at Novatis Hope International Inc., this is supreme. We believe that we find our highest joy and satisfaction when God is glorified in our lives. We desire that God’s great name be lifted and magnified through this organization and our lives. This core value should be evident in the outworking of all other values.
For us at Novatis Hope International Inc., this is supreme. We believe that we find our highest joy and satisfaction when God is glorified in our lives. We desire that God’s great name be lifted and magnified through this organization and our lives. This core value should be evident in the outworking of all other values.
Giving and Growing in Grace
“Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18“He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’” 2 Cor. 12:9“...That I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established with grace...that I may be encouraged together with you... each of us by the other's faith.” Rom. 1:11-12 “It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace” Heb. 13:9
We desire to grow in the grace of God, rely on the grace of God in our weaknesses, and show the grace of God to one another.
We desire to grow in the grace of God, rely on the grace of God in our weaknesses, and show the grace of God to one another.
Uniting and sharing in Christian Community
“Make my joy complete by agreeing, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.” Phil. 2:2 “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal. 6:2
We want to connect with one another! But so much more than socialization, we want to be unified in love as we stand upon biblical values to support ministries and communities in Christ. We want to be intentional in our relationships and in our community-sharing with one another.
We want to connect with one another! But so much more than socialization, we want to be unified in love as we stand upon biblical values to support ministries and communities in Christ. We want to be intentional in our relationships and in our community-sharing with one another.
Supporting and serving with excellence
“Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity and dignity” Titus 2:7 “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” Col. 3:23
We believe that mediocrity is not an option! We want to serve the Christian community with love, passion, enthusiasm, and commitment. We desire to model excellence in the work we provide.
We believe that mediocrity is not an option! We want to serve the Christian community with love, passion, enthusiasm, and commitment. We desire to model excellence in the work we provide.
Strenhthening the Christian Community through shared gifts and talents
“Since you are so eager to have the special abilities the Spirit gives, seek those that will strengthen the whole church.” 1 Cor. 14:12
“Let us pursue what makes for peace and mutual upbuilding.” Rom. 14:19“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them” Rom. 12:7
We believe all good gifts come from the Father! We believe that the body of Christ should rely and depend on its fellow members. At Novatis Hope International Inc., we desire to bless and strengthen the Christian Community through the outpouring of the shared gifts and talents of our members. We want to encourage and uplift hard-working (and often weary) brothers so they can serve with greater joy. We want to be obedient to share the gifts and talents the Lord has uniquely and generously given each of us.
To strengthen the global body of Christ in actively sharing the unconditional love of God, addressing and overcoming the social challenges faced by the most vulnerable, and decisively alleviating poverty, hunger, and hardship while creating lasting connections enabling people to encounter God through his Word.